by Karen Hinson, volunteer petition circulator, Town of Machias, Maine
I learned death was part of life at an early age. The doctors, nurses, and dentists in my family talked about blood and guts at the dinner table.
As a hospice volunteer I later learned of the terrible toll on those with terminal illness and on their family. I have never met anyone who says “I’d prefer a long, slow, degrading, painful death,” but I have met many who want to die at home. I do, too.
This is why I volunteer gathering signatures for the death with dignity citizen initiative. Will you join me to help ensure Mainers can die the way we want?
When I gather signatures for the petition in rural Maine, I see three kinds of people:
- those who look quickly and walk on by;
- those who ask for information and want to ponder it and discuss it with family; and
- those who bound right up, thank me for my work, and ask where to sign the petition.
The work is challenging but the reward is well worth it.